Have you heard the age old saying “if you wait to have kids when you can afford them than you never will”? I’ve heard recently that it costs almost $300,000 to raise a kid from birth to 18. So, my question to you is what are the bare minimums you need to raise a child?
Happiness Without All The Things
Everyone wants their kids to have a better quality of life than they had. Growing up we did not have a lot, but we were happy. Some people would say my parents could not afford kids because we didn’t have the latest and greatest of anything. If my parents waited, I probably would not have been born.
Desire vs Expense
A lot of people have a desire to be parents to be fulfilled in life. Most people will sacrifice everything for their kids to make sure they are taken care of. Just because a family cannot afford to take a vacation every year, buying the latest and greatest gadget every year doesn’t mean the kids don’t have a good quality of life.