No one likes it when their car breaks down. We never know how much the repair is going to be, or if we have a warranty if it will cover it. Even if it is just to repair a leak, we won’t know what the cost is until the mechanic looks at it.
Multiple Issues
A shop we like and recently started using is having a sale later this week, so I made an appointment to get a leak fixed on my car. Save some money where I can. This past Saturday, getting my day started when my dad called me and asked for my help because my brother’s new to them vehicle (they’re only mode of transportation) would not go. So I went up and helped them get a temporary use vehicle and returned home. Today, I am at work and my spouse ask to talk on the phone to discuss a medical appointment for one of our kids. While we are talking I can tell something happened and was informed the vehilce will not go faster than 5 MPH. Try restarting and doing more and it still won’t go. While I do not have any responsibility for my brother’s vehcile, we now have one car in the shop and the other going to the shop later this week. My brother has a warranty on his vehicle, but they have to wait on an adjustor to look at it to see if the warranty will cover it.
Did we plan for this?
Not totally no, but not totally yes either. We have our emergency fund setup. We have a plan, but we are being hit with multiple costly things at one time. Yes we are prepared to cover all of them thankfully. But we will have to work to rebuild our reserves to make sure we can take care of things. Remember to have your emergency fund, and sometimes you need more than what the minimum is. I say we are prepared to cover them all, but of the three costly things I am thinking of, we only know the cost of one. The others are to be determined.