Now days we have people who say, “I identify as” and fill in the blank. This is not just about gender roles. Shortly after the height of COVID, I heard some people say “I identify as vaccinated” to me I took that to imply they are not, but they could have been. So, I wanted…
Author: Ethan Johnson, SHRM-CP
Tipping Services
I recently started being a food delivery person. I am amazed and saddened at the number of times, my tip reads $0.00. I have had some go back and add it later thankfully. But a lot of people do not tip. Most orders the pay I get from the company is minimal. Company Pay I…
“Learning Ends after College”
Whomever believes this, I have bad news for you. Learning is a continuous thing. We are learning and we have to keep learning. Learning is not a bad thing. Learning makes us better and makes life easier. I remember my dad learning to use a computer at 50 years old while he still preferred using…
Prepare for the Unexpected
Having an emergency fund is a big step toward financial independence. They come in handy for “emergencies”. Sometimes we make our poor decisions into emergencies. The End leads to the Unexpected My parents retired when I was a young adult. My mom was forced to retire from her job and started working part-time until she…
People Ruin Jobs
I was messaging someone recently and they were sharing their frustration with their coworkers and I responded with “People definitely ruin jobs”. Of course this is not true for everyone and there are quite a few people that make jobs better, but overall jobs do not ruin themselves it is the people around us that…
The Voices of the “Professionals”
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by listening to financial gurus? Not knowing who had the best approach? Which one is right or which one to listen to? I feel the same way, so here I am to share how to listen to those voices. Know the niche of who you follow They all have their…
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
One thing we all know is that change is hard. Yet, I feel like most of the time when we are presented with a job change, we jump at the opportunity. The majority of the time you get a pay change, or you get better benefits or maybe it is closer to home. My last…
Scam Job Offers
I recently reentered the job market and have been looking; I have also uploaded my resume to the usual job boards. This week I have had two companies reach out to me to setup an interview, one of them I did, but the other one I have not, but it is very similar. First Contact…
Student Loans
Education is important and usually helps us succeed as adults and can be a part of financial independence, but at the same time it can come at a detrimental cost. For me, I started at a community college. This is a good way to save a lot of money. I was able to pay for…
Memberships – Waste Money if not used
I was talking to a friend and they told me they had canceled their gym membership after two years of not using it. Even if it’s a $5 a month membership for two years that is $120. I could fill up my SUV at least three times with that. Gym memberships are good, but if…