Remember to file your taxes. There are numerous ways to do it including some agencies and paying others to do it. For most people, you can use online software and file cheaper than most others (possibly even free). Just be sure you do not wait until the last minute.
Tag: Taxes
Tax Time is Here (Soon)
It’s the most wonderful red tape time of the year. Growing up my parents always went to a tax professional. I started going to the same service when I needed to file mine. I think it was my second or third year the preparer told me that I didn’t have to file and if I…
Being Young & Taxes
You landed your first job this year, it’s Christmas time which means tax season and getting that refund to help pay off Christmas is just around the corner. One of the joys of being young and first starting out is having very few tax forms you need to file your taxes. Usually it is just…